Saturday, March 21, 2009

Our Chuck is back! The cast is off and Charlie is back to running, jumping, and everything else a 4 1/2  year boy does!

Henry just turned 10 months and is on his way to walking. He is already into everything, we really have it in for us this summer!

His favorite thing- Eating wipes!!
I thought maybe we could skip right over the dressing yourself phase, but it's hitting us full force! Her latest!!
she also wants her hair curled everyday

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A new cast!

Charlie got his hard cast. Of course it is blue!

Almost 10 months & she's just plain silly!

Henry's life is flying by! He is into everything and has his whole family rapped around those  tiny fingers.This is Henry's new smile. It's a little scary , but makes us laugh every time!

She's always got something for us!
I thought she was to old to eat DIRT!